Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of Introduction

My name is Korey Jo McDermott, and in sixth grade I graduated from Pickett Elementary, then graduating from Truman Middle School in eighth grade, and finally on May 10th 2010 I got to walk across a stage accepting my diploma from Central High School. Going into college this year I am undecided on what I want my future plans to be. Ever sense I was little I wanted to be a vet, I was always around animals, but as I got older I got more into sports. In fifth grade I got the idea of becoming a professional basketball player, until I realized I was one of the worst players on the team. In middle school, my gym teacher thought it would be a good idea to try out for Truman’s volleyball team. I have to say I was better at this sport than basketball; I scored 14 points in one match. When I got to Central one of my close friends talked me out of track and trying out for the soccer team. Sophomore year I played my first Varsity soccer game scoring the last point on our own team, ending the game. After that I decided that playing sports wasn’t my thing, but I still loved being around the different games. My soccer coach told me I should be a manager/trainer for the sports I liked, and that’s when I got the idea of majoring in Biology to become a sports trainer.

I was born in St. Joseph Missouri, and lived in Faucett Missouri my first two years, and then moved back to St. Joseph. I graduated from Central High School last May, with 460 other students. Through school, I was never the quiet person of our group. I was usually deciding what to do that night, or where to eat after school. I don’t do much reading on my own, and I never really like what we had to read in my language classes. And most of the time I have to be in the reading mood or I fall asleep after half a page in the book.

If I have to write about something I would rather have a topic than a free write. Poems and essays are not one of my favorites. I usually put those off until last minute because I always get writers block. I could write a letter to my best friend for days.

Some random things about me would be I have tried to play almost every sport out there. My favorite color is orange, I was born on Halloween, and I have “orange” hair. My favorite show right now has to be Jersey Shore “fist pump!” I love going out with my friends and I’m hardly ever home, but some nights I like staying in making pop corn and having a movie night, watching all my favorite movies with my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Korey,

    Thank you for sharing.

    When you have written in the past, what did you excel at? With what topics? Do you like having an assigned topic? Sometimes some writers have to freewrite before they get started. However, all writers have their own process as we have discussed in class.

    Would you still like to work with animals?

    Ms. Chastain
